Local Man Arrested for Legally Annoying Children at Rocklin Park (CA Penal Code 647.6)

Last Modified: October 13, 2020
June 12, 2015 | Rabin Nabizadeh | Child Molestation, Sex Crimes

There are many different types of sex-related crimes that an individual might be arrested for.  Several of these, especially the ones involving children, are familiar to many Californians.  For example, most people are aware of the illegality of the possession of pornographic images of children or child molestation, and are acquainted with the penalties associated with these.  However, many persons are not familiar with the crime of ‘annoying a child,’ which has been brought to the attention of Rocklin area public recently due to a case involving a 57-year-old man in a local park.

Breen Park was the scene at which a shirtless man riding a bike began to ask inappropriate questions of some young girls who were playing there.  One of the girls called members of local law enforcement and the gentleman was arrested on several drug-related charges in addition to the charge of ‘annoying a child.’  California Penal Code 647.6 addresses this particular violation of the law and the language therein equates ‘annoying’ a child to ‘molesting’ a child.  However, this clearly deserves a bit of clarification.

Any behavior that is motivated by interest in a child that is sexual could fall into this category.  This is especially true if the behavior disturbs, annoys, or is seen by a nearby child.  In the case at hand, the accused was making sexual comments to several young girls as he rode by on his bicycle.  Penalties for violating 647.6 include 1 year in county jail and a possible $5,000 fine.

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