Bay Area Violent Crimes Lawyer

Bay Area Violent Crimes Lawyer

Being charged with a violent crime in California can have serious consequences. The state has some of the toughest penalties in the country for these offenses, and individuals convicted of violent crimes can face long prison sentences in state penitentiaries.

Stakes are High Under California’s Three Strikes Law

If you’re a repeat offender in California, you risk significant prison time.

Under the California Three Strikes Law, someone convicted of a violent crime must serve a minimum 80-85 percent of their sentence before being eligible for parole. Anyone with two previous convictions for so-called violent “strike” offenses will receive an automatic sentence of 25 years to life if convicted of a third violent crime.

There is a lot at stake, then, for both the person charged with a violent crime as well as their loved ones.

Numerous Offenses Constitute Violent Crimes in California

California law is very broad when it comes to classifying offenses as violent crimes. The list includes:

Committing any of these offenses in the state could ultimately result in extended sentences without the chance of early release.

Many People are Wrongfully Charged

While our legal system puts violent criminals in jail who deserve to be there, many people are unjustly charged with a crime they did not commit. Many factors can cause this, including mistaken identity, unreliable witnesses, investigators and prosecutors who jump to the wrong conclusions, and even racism. It may also be that someone charged with a violent offense was acting in self-defense, which the law allows. That’s why having an experienced attorney is critical to protecting your freedom.

Hire Experienced Criminal Defense Counsel – Immediately!

When liberty and livelihoods are at stake, those charged with violent crimes under California’s wide-ranging criminal laws must take action right away to protect themselves and hire experienced criminal defense lawyers – before speaking with anyone from law enforcement.

What they say in movies and television shows is true. Anything you say to law enforcement without the presence of a lawyer can and will be used against you in a criminal proceeding. Your right to be silent can be the difference between being found not guilty and serving 25 years to life in prison.

The bottom line is that you should only speak with your lawyer about your case and the charges against you. You never know who might be listening.

What to Look for in an Experienced Criminal Defense Counsel

When it comes to defending persons charged with violent crimes in California – especially Northern California – local knowledge is key, and you should hire a criminal defense attorney who lives and practices in the Bay Area.

At Summit Defense, our lawyers are familiar with the Bay Area’s police, investigators, prosecutors, and courts. Our lawyers have spent their careers working here and are known for their dedication and professionalism in pursuing justice for their clients.

We also understand how criminal prosecution for violent crimes works in Northern California. One of our attorneys is a former police officer, while three others are former district attorneys. They know how these cases are investigated, prosecuted, and treated by the courts.

And, of course, we have a list of case results representative of the outcomes we obtain for our clients.

Meet The Team
With over 120 years of cumulative and exclusive Criminal Defense experience, our reputation for aggressive and results oriented performance, whether in State court or Federal Court, has been documented by several Bay Area news channels and vetted by hundreds of satisfied clients. Our success and industry recognition is the result of our EXCLUSIVE FOCUS on criminal defense; we don’t accept personal injury or family law cases. This single-minded focus allows us to keep pace with the ever-changing landscape of legal doctrine and provide you with the best results possible.
our attorneys
James Reilly
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