Redwood City Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal Defense & Domestic Violence Lawyers in San Mateo County

If you’ve been accused of a misdemeanor or a serious felony – whether in San Mateo county or elsewhere in the Bay Area – a Redwood City criminal defense attorney can help. At Summit Defense, our goal is always the complete dismissal of all charges. If this isn’t possible, we often negotiate solutions for our clients that allow them to avoid jail and sometimes even prosecution.


Summit Defense
370 Convention Way, Suite 316, Redwood City, CA 94063

Redwood City Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal Defense & Domestic Violence Lawyers in San Mateo County

If you’ve been accused of a misdemeanor or a serious felony – whether in San Mateo county or elsewhere in the Bay Area – a Redwood City criminal defense attorney can help. At Summit Defense, our goal is always the complete dismissal of all charges. If this isn’t possible, we often negotiate solutions for our clients that allow them to avoid jail and sometimes even prosecution.


Summit Defense
370 Convention Way, Suite 316, Redwood City, CA 94063
Last Modified: August 6, 2024

Table of Contents

Experienced And Aggressive Redwood City Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal defense encompasses a wide array of violent crimes. From petty theft to domestic violence, our Redwood City defense lawyer defended the rights and freedom of numerous clients in the past. At Summit Defense, our vetted Redwood City criminal lawyers are well-versed in criminal law.

Our team of criminal defense lawyers can help you with your criminal charges by developing a unique legal defense specific to your case. Our team of defense attorneys has 120 years of cumulative experience in the field of criminal defense. Contact Summit Defense at (650) 667-4141 if you need legal assistance so we can review your case where we offer a free initial consultation.


Summit Defense | Who We Are And How We Can Help You

Summit Defense is a top-rated criminal defense law firm. We focus on criminal defense helping those people who are wrongfully accused of the crimes they did not commit. We are committed to protecting the rights and freedom of those wrongfully accused individuals.

Our Redwood City defense attorneys are comprised of an ex-prosecutor, a former police officer, and certified criminal defense attorneys. Our diverse legal experience is one of our law firm’s strengths compared to other law offices. We understand the law and can assist you in finding a way out of your predicament.

🗹 Attorneys Working Together

Collaboration. Whether you’re charged with drug possession or a much more severe criminal offense, your criminal defense attorney must do everything possible on your behalf. Our criminal defense attorneys will collaborate to form the best possible defense for your criminal defense case.

🗹 Local Knowledge — Know Your Opponent

Expertise. All Summit Defense attorneys have a rich background in the field of legal defense. Our lawyers will carefully assess the facts recovered from your criminal charges when strategizing a legal defense. We are familiar with California’s statutes addressing criminal offenses.

🗹 Hire By The People Who Know

The experts recognize us. Both past clients and colleagues revere our Redwood City criminal defense law firm. Summit Defense gained popularity through referrals from our previous satisfied clients and colleagues who recognize our expertise. The majority of our clients in Summit Defense come to us through referrals.

🗹 Award-Winning Customer Service

Reliable. Expert legal representation is a significant factor in client satisfaction, but it’s not the only factor. At Summit Defense, our entire legal team is not only proficient in criminal law. Summit Defense is also known for its exceptional customer service. Our criminal attorneys will listen intently to your problem to provide the best possible solution for your criminal charges.


Redwood City Criminal Cases Our Criminal Attorneys Handle

Our criminal defense lawyers at Summit Defense are experienced in handling various criminal defense cases. Suppose you are facing accusations of illegal activities. In that case, it’s best to see a criminal defense attorney at the soonest possible time.

These professionals understand your legal rights in such circumstances. They can provide you with practical legal counsel and offer a free initial case analysis. At Summit Defense, our team of dedicated attorneys will help you find and build the best possible defense for your criminal charges.


Here are a few examples of criminal defense cases handled by Summit Defense:

White-collar crimes

Fraud committed by a professional or a government official is called a white-collar crime. It’s not required to provoke a victim with force to be classified under this category. As long as the intent to gain monetary benefits is present, it will be considered as such.

Attempted murder

We have previous experience defending clients with attempted murder charges. Attempted murder is a severe crime in California that bears harsh punishments.

Sex crimes

Sexual assault, rape, or indecent exposure are some of the sex crimes we handle. The state of California imposed strict legislation against sexual predators.

Probation violation

In some cases, the court may order a probation sentence as a punishment. However, there are unwarranted circumstances when you might violate this law. In such cases, speaking with a criminal defense attorney is urgent.


Grand theft, identity theft, and petty theft are some well-known forms of theft. Summit Defense handles all sorts of theft crimes, and we can help you reduce or drop your charges completely.

Our experienced lawyers all came from a well-known law school. More than that, their 120 years of cumulative experience proves them to be well-versed in their profession.


What Should You Do After An Arrest In Redwood City?

As the defendant, you must take the correct actions after an arrest. Knowing what you must and must not do in this situation can make or break your chances. Below are some of the best courses of action to do after an arrest.

Remain silent

The arresting officer will recite your Miranda Rights when you are arrested. They will say something around the line of “anything you say can and will be used against you.” Staying quiet and demanding to speak only with a lawyer is helpful in such situations.

Request for your criminal defense attorney

A criminal defense attorney knows what you should do in these circumstances. It’s ideal to speak with a lawyer as soon as possible so they can start working on your case.

Speak solely with your lawyer

Anything you say to a police officer will and can be used against you. When divulging critical details, speaking only with your lawyer is crucial.


What Our Redwood City Defense Attorney Can Do For You

Our criminal defense attorney at Summit Defense can provide you with top-notch legal service. We will work smartly and collaborate to provide the best legal defense strategy for your criminal case. Our team of dedicated lawyers will do everything necessary to give you the best outcome possible.

🗹 Case analysis

Our team of lawyers will meticulously analyze your case. We will look at all possible directions and go over the evidence recovered from the crime scene.

🗹 Provide astute legal advice

Once we have established the facts about your criminal offense, we will provide you with practical legal advice. Our criminal defense lawyer in Redwood City, CA will counsel you on the best way to support your innocence.

🗹 We will strategize a legal defense

After providing you with legal counsel, we will work together to build a solid defense. We can give you the best legal defense for your criminal charge through case analysis and strategizing.

🗹 Compelling case negotiation

We will help you receive a plea bargain from local prosecutors or police officers. And when worse comes to worst, we will represent you on your behalf to have your charges reduced or dismissed.


When Should You Hire A Redwood City Criminal Defense Lawyer?

A criminal conviction in California can result in lengthy jail time, hefty penalty fines, and a possible probation sentence. It’s imperative to act fast when accused of a criminal violation. Contact our experienced criminal defense lawyers at Summit Defense as soon as possible.

Delaying can only make it harder for your party to recover evidence. The soonest you call a criminal defense attorney at (650) 667-4141 the higher your chances of winning your case. Your criminal defense attorney can help you prevent jail time and avoid expensive fines.


What To Look For In A Redwood City Criminal Defense Attorney?

The state of California has no shortage of criminal defense lawyers. However, selecting the perfect criminal defense attorney to handle your criminal case can be a burden. It’s vital to weigh these factors to help you choose the ideal attorney to help you with your case.

🗹 Proficiency in criminal law

Not all lawyers are the same. It’s critical to hire a lawyer who is well-versed in criminal defense. It would be better to choose a law firm that offers criminal defense solely rather than a law firm with multiple specializations.

🗹 Experience and education

An essential requirement for every lawyer is to possess a law degree and a professional license to practice criminal defense. Lawyers with longer years of experience have a more profound knowledge of the legal system than a starting lawyer.

🗹 Positive client reviews

Client reviews never lie. When checking for a legal firm, it’s critical that you also visit their client review pages or other sites that review legal offices.

🗹 Responsiveness

You must select a law firm that can keep you updated with the current happenings of your case. They must also provide a satisfying response on time.

🗹 Service costs

Before settling on a criminal defense attorney, you must afford their service. At Summit Defense, we have affordable fees and payment plans.


Questions You Need To Ask When Hiring A Criminal Defense Lawyer

Part of identifying the perfect criminal defense attorney is by asking the appropriate questions. You can only gauge their level of expertise by looking at their qualifications and asking the necessary questions. As you can see below, we compiled the following list to help you assess your lawyer.

  • Is there a free consultation available at the legal firm?
  • Is the attorney’s primary area of practice criminal law?
  • What is the structure of the legal fees?
  • Is the lawyer experienced in handling situations comparable to the one you’re presently dealing with?
  • What are their thoughts on the case’s potential outcome?
  • Who will be managing your case at the legal firm?
  • How easily available is the criminal defense attorney?


Why Should You Choose Summit Defense Redwood City Criminal Attorney For Your Criminal Charges?

Summit Defense team is comprised of ex-prosecutors and former police officers. We will put our wealth of knowledge and experience together to give you the best possible outcome for your criminal charges. Our entire legal team at Summit Defense has over 120 years of cumulative experience.

Our Redwood City criminal defense law firm garnered several awards for expert representation and customer service. We were featured as SuperLawyers for four consecutive years. Furthermore, one of our lawyers was also granted the client’s choice award of 2018.

We also provide free consultations and affordable payment plans. Call (650) 667-4141 today.


Redwood City Criminal Defense FAQs

Do I Need A Criminal Attorney If I Am Innocent?

Victims can wrongly accuse anyone of a criminal crime on various grounds. In some cases, this can be a case of mistaken identity. However, regardless of how you were embroiled in false criminal allegations, you must always face it with a lawyer. Hiring a criminal defense attorney will go a long way.

My Miranda Rights Weren’t Read. Can My Case Be Dismissed?

The failure of a police officer to give you your Miranda Rights will not result in your case being dismissed. This is because the Fifth Amendment safeguards your Miranda Rights. Basically, this means that even if the arresting officer failed to declare your Miranda Rights, it would not result in the dismissal of your case.

How Do Criminal Lawyers Get Cases Dismissed?

There are several techniques an attorney can employ to have criminal cases dropped. Some of the most typical ways to dismiss a criminal case are plea negotiations and the exclusion of evidence. It’s vital to consult with a criminal defense attorney so they can assess the best defense strategy for you.

Should I Speak With A Police Officer After My Arrest?

In general, you should not communicate with a police officer unless legal counsel accompanies you. Prosecutors can use anything you say to law authorities against you. Admitting to anything unwittingly can be damaging to your case.

How Much Does A Criminal Defense Lawyer Cost?

It’s impossible to break down the entire expenses involved with private criminal defense attorneys. In most cases, legal fees will vary depending on various criteria. Some of these criteria include the overall severity of the criminal charges and the legal team’s or law firm’s track record.

Should I Accept A Plea Bargain If The Prosecutor Offers Me One?

A plea bargain usually entails having a reduced punishment or sentence. This may be appealing if the initial offense involves an extensive prison sentence and hefty penalties. It would be best to obtain a professional opinion from a criminal defense attorney before accepting any offers.


Contact Our Redwood City Criminal Defense Lawyers For A Free Consultation

The laws surrounding criminal defense are lengthy and complicated. Moreover, if you are convicted of criminal actions, you will face grave punishments. Summit Defense is open 24/7 to assist you with your criminal case. Call us now at (650) 667-4141 for a free case consultation. Our website also has an online contact form to send your case details online conveniently.

Driving Directions to our Redwood City Law Office

From Redwood Shores (North)
From East Palo Alto (East)
From Downtown Menlo Park (South)
From Edgewood Park (West)
Meet The Team
With over 120 years of cumulative and exclusive Criminal Defense experience, our reputation for aggressive and results oriented performance, whether in State court or Federal Court, has been documented by several Bay Area news channels and vetted by hundreds of satisfied clients. Our success and industry recognition is the result of our EXCLUSIVE FOCUS on criminal defense; we don’t accept personal injury or family law cases. This single-minded focus allows us to keep pace with the ever-changing landscape of legal doctrine and provide you with the best results possible.
our attorneys
James Reilly
Attorney at Law
Attorney at Law
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Attorney at Law
Attorney at Law
Attorney at Law
Attorney at Law
Attorney at Law
Attorney at Law

Successful Case Results In Redwood City, CA

Rape of an Intoxicated Person


Our firm focuses exclusively on criminal defense matters.

Client Testimonials

Real People. Real Stories.
Never in a million years did I think i’d EVER need a defense attorney, but I’m am beyond grateful to have been referred to Summit defense!! This team KNOWS WHAT THEY’RE DOING and KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE!! Not only did they get me through this, they got me OUT OF THIS!! I was found NOT GUILTY and the case was dismissed!! Special shout out to Rabin, who knew exactly what to do to win my case!! thank you a million times over!! HIGHLY RECOMMEND if you find yourself in trouble with the law and at risk of losing your FREEDOM!!
Jessica r.
Redwood City
The law firm's attorney was professional, honest and understanding.  For months, he was able to keep me posted and discussed the case with my wife who was, at this point, calling weekly.  Results are as good as it gets.  Highly recommend.
Timothy T.
I highly recommend Mr. Mchugh for any criminal case you have.  Took the time to answer all my questions and really cared about the outcome.   He was knowledgeable and compassionate and got the job done.  Really as good as it gets for criminal lawyers.
Emily C.
Daily City
Rabin Nabizadeh is my lion!  Sitting in that cell hearing him passionately argue for bail, I was so relieved my husband hired him.  At the end, I got a misdemeanor.  Thank you Rabin for saving my family.
Norma P.
Redwood City
I have unfortunately used several criminal lawyers throughout the years.  This group is probably the best lawyers in the bay area.  Ms. Duffy explained every thing to us and when it came to court, they were a force of nature.  Got me the deal I wanted.  I would highly recommend them.
Ron N.
I met with Mr. Nabizadeh after interviewing several attorneys.  I could tell right away that he was comfortable and wasn’t trying to sell me anything.  He listened to all my concerns and gave me amazing advise.  I ended up hiring this firm and could not be more pleased with the outcome.
Walter A.
Redwood City
I was hopeless and ashamed when my daughter was arrested.  Having never even imagined dealing with a criminal case, I was panicked and paralyzed.  My co worker told me about Mr. Mchugh and provided his cell phone number.  Ryan was sympathetic honest and at the same time professional and pro active.  My daughter has moved on to better things and we know Ryan was a big part of that.
Barbara W.
San Carlos

Would give this firm 100 stars.  Honest and straightforward explanation of risks and benefit of a DUI case.  Managed to reduce my case to reckless driving after a suppression hearing that was brilliantly argued.  
Stephan G.