Category: Domestic Violence

How to Successfully Recant a Domestic Violence Statement

Rabin Nabizadeh
January 27, 2023

Domestic violence is a problematic situation. Numerous cases of domestic violence take place within a family unit. As a result, the legal process can be messy. In some situations, someone may accuse a family member of domestic violence, only to try to recant their statement later. What does this mean? How is a domestic violence […]

California Domestic Violence Statistics

Rabin Nabizadeh
January 27, 2023

Sadly, domestic abuse, domestic violence, and intimate partner violence are far more common than many realize. These were issues swept under the rug under the guise of someone’s personal, private relationships. It is good news that more attention is being paid to domestic violence, but it is also apparent that it is far more common […]

How To Get a Child Endangerment Charge Dropped?

Rabin Nabizadeh
January 27, 2023
If you are facing child endangerment charges, it’s essential to understand how to fight them. Summit Defense Criminal Lawyers helps clients who are facing child endangerment charges by providing expert legal support. A child endangerment case can be stressful, but with the right strategy, it is possible to get the child endangerment charge dismissed or reduced. Your child [...]

Domestic Violence and Immigration

Rabin Nabizadeh
January 27, 2023

Are you an immigrant accused of domestic violence? If so, you might be concerned that you will get deported. You might also worry that you could face significant fines and jail time. Even though there are many moving parts involved, this is something you can avoid facing on your own. You need to reach out […]

What Happens When You Get A Domestic Violence Charge In California?

Rabin Nabizadeh
February 9, 2022
California domestic violence laws define the crimes of domestic violence and their corresponding penalties. The law protects families from all forms of domestic abuse inflicted against either the child, the spouse, or any partner with a dating or engagement relationship. Domestic violence charges are frowned upon, especially by those not guilty. A domestic violence conviction [...]