
Factors affecting alcohol absorption

Rabin Nabizadeh
January 3, 2017
Factors affecting alcohol absorption The chemistry of alcohol absorption, distribution, and elimination is complex and it varies from person to person. Much of the variability is due to genetic and environmental factors such as gender, body composition, food consumption, liver volume, genetics, and ethnicity. Some of the variability is due to the nature of the [...]

How alcohol is absorbed and eliminated

Rabin Nabizadeh
January 3, 2017
How alcohol is absorbed and eliminated Alcohol that you have ingested, but that has not yet been absorbed into your bloodstream, has no neurological effects and cannot cause driving impairment. The time-frame in which alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream and the volume of alcohol absorbed are significant in determining both impairment and blood alcohol [...]

Other non-standardized DUI tests

Rabin Nabizadeh
January 3, 2017
Other non-standardized DUI tests Standardized and non-standardized tests There are many different types of field sobriety tests. Three such tests have been“standardized” by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration: Horizontal gaze nystagmus. Walk and turn. One leg stand. Other tests are not standardized, but are still commonly used by many officers. These tests include: Romberg balancing [...]

Divided-attention questioning

Rabin Nabizadeh
January 3, 2017
Divided-attention questioning DUI DEFENSE - FIELD SOBRIETY TEST - DIVIDED ATTENTION All field tests are preceded by interrogation Regardless of which field sobriety test is used, the test is generally preceded by an interrogation of the person to be tested. The interrogation itself is a form of a test because it provides the officer an [...]

DUI Defense – “Objective” Signs of Alcohol Intoxication

Rabin Nabizadeh
January 3, 2017
DUI Defense - “Objective” Signs of Alcohol Intoxication Odor of alcohol The odor of alcohol on a driver’s breath is one of the first clues an officer relies upon to both: Initially determine that a driver has been drinking. Provide justification for the start of a DUI/DWI investigation. However, this may not be an accurate [...]

Standardized DUI Tests

Rabin Nabizadeh
January 3, 2017
Standardized DUI Tests Field tests are less reliable than chemical tests The best indicator of possible driving impairment appears to be a reliable blood alcohol test. Chemical tests can objectively and accurately determine the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of the driver within the margin of error of the testing method and instrument. From this analysis, [...]

Secure the evidence and preserve your shoes!

Rabin Nabizadeh
January 3, 2017
Secure the evidence and preserve your shoes! The first step your DUI attorney should take in preparing your case is to secure the scene and any evidence. Secure the scene As soon as you contact your DUI attorney, the attorney should ask you to return to the location where the field sobriety tests were performed. [...]

Information your DUI attorney will try to obtain

Rabin Nabizadeh
January 3, 2017
Information your DUI attorney will try to obtain This article lists items your DUI defense lawyer may want to consider obtaining either by independent investigation or by asking the prosecutor for them through formal discovery. These are suggestions only. Your DUI lawyer will have to determine how important each item is for your particular case. [...]

Your DUI attorney’s evaluation of your case

Rabin Nabizadeh
January 3, 2017
Your DUI attorney’s evaluation of your case After your initial interview is completed, your DUI attorney will evaluate your case for trial or plea negotiation, if that option is available. Your attorney will thoroughly analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the state’s case and consider whether the state can prove each element of its case beyond a [...]

Initial interview with your DUI attorney

Rabin Nabizadeh
January 3, 2017
Initial interview with your DUI attorney In most cases, your first interview with your DUI attorney will take place at your attorney’s office. At that first meeting, your DUI attorney will: (1) ask you about what happened before, during, and after your arrest; (2) educate you concerning the charges, penalties, and your chances for success [...]