Different Types of Domestic Violence in California

February 21, 2023 | Rabin Nabizadeh | Domestic Violence

Different types of domestic violence in california
In California, there are different types of domestic violence. Unfortunately, domestic violence is far more common than many people realize, and it is critical to understand the different categories into which domestic violence might fall. For example, some people might be involved in physical abuse, while others may be in emotional or sexual abuse.

Intimate partner violence is a growing concern, and people need to know they are not alone. Learn more about the different types of domestic violence below, and do not hesitate to reach out to a professional who can help you.

Understanding Domestic Violence Crimes in California

Understanding domestic violence crimes

First, it is essential to understand domestic violence crimes in California. Most abusive partner, intimate partner, and domestic violence crimes are charged under California Penal Code 273.5. Under this code, domestic violence involves harm inflicted on an intimate partner.

This crime can be a misdemeanor or a felony. Even though the initial police report may play a significant role in how to charge the offense, there are other factors that an attorney should investigate. Gender bias can play a role, the apparent physical injuries of the parties involved can also play a role, and emotional distress can play a role.

That is why breaking down domestic violence cases in California into different categories is critical.

The Most Common Types of Domestic Violence Cases in California

There are several different types of domestic violence cases in California that could take place. They include:

Physical Abuse

Physical abuse

Physical violence and threatening bodily harm fall under the category of physical abuse. For example, physical abuse can involve punching or kicking. Physical assault can include pulling hair, slapping, biting, and choking. Even smothering falls under the category of physical abuse. There are situations where physical abuse can also spread to children and pets.

Following an episode of physical abuse, the abuser may also target children, prevent the victim from calling emergency services, and prevent someone from eating or sleeping.

Verbal Abuse

Verbal abuse is another form of domestic violence. Even though verbal abuse might not leave behind any physical evidence, the scars can be evident. Verbal abuse comes in many shapes and forms. For example, one partner may repeatedly call another partner names or insults, leading to constant criticism.

Verbal abuse can also stem from jealousy and a lack of trust. In difficult situations, verbal abuse can lead to the abusive partner isolating the other partner from his friends or family members.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse

Sexual abuse is also a prevalent form of domestic violence. Sexual abuse comes in many shapes and forms. For example, sexual abuse could lead to unwanted touching. Sexual abuse may also involve forcing someone to dress uncomfortably.

Sexual assault can also lead to sex without the other party’s consent which involves oral sex, anal sex, or penetration. Sexual abuse could even involve the use of weapons during sexual activity. Any sexual activity against the other person’s will should be considered sexual abuse. Sexual violence and domestic abuse could even go against someone’s sexual orientation.

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is also a form of domestic violence. Emotional abuse can lead to significant mental health issues. For example, emotional abuse could lead to total isolation, and it could involve one partner monitoring the activities of the other partner without his consent. It can also include forcing someone to dress or behave a certain way.

Another common form of emotional abuse is humiliation. An abuser may seek to humiliate the other partner in front of his family or friends. Emotional abuse can lead to long-term consequences.

Psychological Abuse

Psychological abuse

Emotional and psychological abuse often go hand in hand. One typical example of psychological abuse is gaslighting. Gaslighting involves pretending not to understand the point of view of the other person and refusing to take his perspective into account. Gaslighting might also involve trivializing the other person’s needs or blaming them for a pre-existing mental health issue.

Gaslighting can also threaten children, family members, pets, and personal property. Gaslighting can also lead to blaming the abuser’s abusive behaviors.


Financial Abuse

Financial or economic abuse is also a common consequence of domestic violence. Financial abuse comes in many shapes and forms. Some of the most common examples include:

  • Providing the other partner with an allowance and instructing the partner how to spend it;
  • Asking for receipts from all purchases as a form of control;
  • Preventing someone from accessing or viewing bank accounts;
  • Preventing the other party from working or trying to get the other person fired to prevent them from having their finances; or
  • Stealing money from the victim, his family members, and friends.

Financial abuse is very different from trying to live on a budget because it involves controlling the other person without his consent. Financial abuse also prevents the other person from asking for help. Financial abuse can extend to confiscating driver’s licenses and passports to prevent the other person from leaving.

Domestic violence comes in many shapes and forms, and it is essential for anyone who feels they got victimized by somebody else to reach out and ask for help.

Causes of Domestic Violence or Abuse?

Causes of domestic violence or abuse

Because domestic violence comes in many forms, it is crucial to understand where it comes from. By taking a closer look at where domestic violence starts, it might be possible to reduce the frequency of cases.

Some of the most common causes of domestic violence and abuse include:

To Gain Control

Many cases of intimate partner violence stem from a desire to gain control. Control and power can be intoxicating, and they could cause someone to try to exert their influence on their intimate partner. It can include psychological control, sexual control, physical control, and financial control.

By controlling someone, their behavior becomes more predictable, and the abuser has an easier time getting what he wants.

Historical & Cultural Factors

There are also historical and cultural factors that may play a role. During the past few decades, rights have expanded significantly, and some people may come from cultures that do not offer the same rights to others.

For example, there are some cultures where the woman is still utterly subservient to the man, and somebody coming to the United States may not fully understand that.

Furthermore, people born in the US may be raised in a home where women didn’t have as many rights as men. Growing up in an environment where you witness domestic violence may be a significant factor.

These historical and cultural factors can play a role in domestic violence. Expanding education to ensure everyone understands that we are all equal under the laws of the United States is critical.

Poverty and Unemployment

Sadly, poverty and unemployment can also play a significant role in several family violence cases. There are a lot of people who still live in poverty, and this can lead to a tremendous amount of stress.

When people wonder how they will put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads, tension can develop in the household. When more financial stress is on top of these issues, it can lead to explosive results.

The stress of poverty and unemployment could cause people to snap, leading to domestic violence. Even though this is not an excuse, it can be a factor in intimate partner violence. Substance abuse may also develop on these occasions.

Everyone must remember that help is available. If you are involved in domestic violence, you need to contact a legal professional who can help you.

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Domestic Violence Lawyer Today

Free consultation with our domestic violence lawyer

If you are looking for a criminal defense lawyer in the Bay Area, look no further than Summit Defense.

We have a tremendous amount of experience dealing with domestic violence cases, and it would be our pleasure to review your situation. Even an accusation of domestic violence can completely change your life, and a conviction could lead to irreparable harm.

You deserve to have your rights protected. You are innocent until proven guilty, and you need to work with an attorney who can review your case, assess the evidence against you, and provide you with an objective view of your options. That way, you can decide your rights and interests best.

We will use every resource to represent you, and we have more than 120 years of combined criminal defense experience. Contact us today for case consultation, and let us provide you with a solid defense to which you are entitled.

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