Category: Violent Crimes

Assault vs Battery | What Is The Difference?

Rabin Nabizadeh
February 8, 2022
When talking about criminal charges, the words assault and battery are often used as if they mean the same thing. But they actually have different legal meanings. Knowing the difference between them is important, especially if you’re dealing with criminal charges. At Summit Defense, we specialize in representing individuals accused of crimes. We know how [...]

How Long Does a Felony Stay on Your Record?

Rabin Nabizadeh
February 8, 2022
In the United States, felonies are considered serious crimes and have harsher punishments. A felony conviction can have lasting consequences for an individual's life, including being unable to obtain employment in particular fields or obtaining a professional license. This article discusses how long a felony conviction stays on your record and what necessary steps you [...]

California State Supreme Court Rules on Getaway Drivers

Rabin Nabizadeh
July 13, 2015

How does California prosecute getaway drivers in criminal cases?

24-Year Old Madera County Murder Case Remains Unresolved (Ca Penal Code §187)

In 1989, then 20-year-old Michael Pizarro became famous – for all the wrong reasons.  He was accused, and then convicted, of sexually assaulting and then murdering (CA Penal Code §187) his 13-year-old half-sister, Amber Barfield.  24 years later, no one can be sure whether or not Pizarro did it. On the one hand, there is […]

Valley Springs: 12-year-old Arrest in Leila Fowler Murder (CA Penal Code §187(a))

Rabin Nabizadeh
May 14, 2013

When Leila Fowler (8) was found stabbed to death in the kitchen of her family’s ranch style home, it was her brother (12) who seemed most upset.  Now, the young boy has been arrested in connection with the case pursuant to CA Penal Code §187(a), even though there seems to be little evidence to support […]

Voluntary Manslaughter Charge under PC 192(a) in Livermore Road Rage Incident

Rabin Nabizadeh
March 15, 2013

Cort Holbrook, a software engineer out of Livermore, was out about town when he noticed that Ricky Zeismer was driving erratically and causing dangerous issues with the traffic ahead.  The two eventually pulled over and got into a serious scuffle, with Holbrook receiving several kicks and punches from Zeismer.  The road rage incident ended only […]