A charge of driving under the influence in San Jose is a stressful experience, but a conviction could change your life forever. For this reason, you need the expert legal assistance of a San Jose DUI lawyer. A DUI lawyer has the experience and knowledge you need to defend your rights and ensure your voice is heard. You are innocent until proven guilty, and our team is ready to listen to your situation without judgment or reservation.
You deserve the best representation possible while dealing with this challenging situation. At Summit Defense Law Office, our San Jose criminal defense attorney has the knowledge and experience to help you with your DUI case. We have a team of highly dedicated criminal defense lawyers who will prioritize your case to help you navigate the complexities and difficulties of a criminal charge.
Call us at (866) 852-7126 for a free consultation. Let us know how we can help you. Do not hesitate to contact us immediately to avoid further damage.
When you contact a DUI Attorney for your initial consultation, you’re expected to provide the following information:
- Your full name and current address for us to send all future correspondence regarding your case. If this address changes during representation, you must inform us immediately so our communications go to a valid location.
- A list of names and addresses of anyone who witnessed or got involved in the incident leading up to your arrest (e.g., passengers, police officers). Knowing what happened from as many angles as possible will help prepare an effective defense strategy for your defense attorney. It will ensure accurate assessments of how best to proceed with each case.
- Your DUI lawyer will need your court paperwork if you’ve already pleaded guilty. It will let them determine if they can challenge other legal issues to reduce your penalties. While it is crucial not to plead guilty before consulting an attorney, a San Jose driving under the influence lawyer may still have grounds for challenging your plea based on the arrest’s specific circumstances.