Category: Child Molestation

Man Accused of Molesting Minor in Hayward Retail Store (CA Penal Code 288)

Rabin Nabizadeh
February 4, 2015

How does California prosecute charges of child molestation?

Former Woodside Teacher Convicted of Child Molestation (CA Penal Code 288)

Rabin Nabizadeh
January 27, 2015

How does California prosecute charges of child molestation?

Boy Scout Volunteer Accused of Child Molestation (CA Penal Code 288)

Rabin Nabizadeh
January 7, 2015

What are the penalties for child molestation in California?

Lafayette Park Child Sexual Assault Suspect Yet to be Identified (CA Penal Code 288)

Rabin Nabizadeh
November 24, 2014

What are the penalties for lewd conduct with a minor in California?

Study Shows Crime Lab Data To Be Corrupted (CA Penal Code 288)

Rabin Nabizadeh
September 19, 2014

How does California prosecute child molestation?

Former Golf Coach Arrested on Suspicion of Child Molestation (CA Penal Code 288)

Rabin Nabizadeh
September 11, 2014

What is the CA penal code for child molestation?

Statutes of Limitations on Sexual Abuse Complex in California (CA Penal Code 799, 800, 801, and 803)

Rabin Nabizadeh
August 22, 2014

What are the statues of limitations for child molestation in California?